Please join us in February for our first speaker-based chapter meeting of 2022: “Information Flow—a Game Changer in Selling Structured Content to the C-Suite.”
For more than two decades, we have been talking about and working with structured content. In the technical writing community, the benefits of using structured content in a Component Content Management System (CCMS) are well understood and documented. We know that it generally makes writers’ lives easier and makes the content reusable, easier to manage, translate, and publish.
However, getting the managerial buy-in is still difficult and, at times, impossible because, “it’s not their problem.” In this talk, learn how to “make it their problem” by steering clear of the old gimmicks like “reuse,” “team productivity,” and “translation cost savings” and by taking the discussion toward organizational information flow that impacts company revenue.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
7:00–7:15 Check-in and networking
7:15–8:00 Presentation
8:00 Announcements
Online event
(We’ll send you a GoToMeeting link with your registration confirmation.)
About the Speaker
Nenad Furtula is a partner and a VP of Sales and Marketing at Bluestream Database Software, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Nenad has been working with XML and bringing XML-related products to market for more than 20 years. Currently his primary professional interest lies in building and socializing a DITA-enabled component content management system called XDocs. Nenad holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Capilano University near Vancouver and a master of science degree in Computer Science from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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