Judge the Competition

The 2022 competition is closed. See you in 2023!

Why should I be a judge for the STC Competition?

We are recruiting judges for the annual STC Chicago Technical Communication Competition. Judges have a unique opportunity to review entries from different categories and industries. Entries can be websites, manuals, help documentation, newsletters, posters, etc. Past entries have come from industries as diverse as aerospace, manufacturing, agricultural, software, and medical associations. Reviewing such different work can be educational as well as inspiring. You also get to interact with other judges and benefit from their experience.

How does judging work?

Judges are placed in two- to three-member teams with a designated team lead. The team members receive three to five entries that must be reviewed over approximately a six-week period. Each judge reviews the entries using a four-page form that highlights different elements of technical communication. Responses are shared within the team and modified if necessary. Once the judging team agrees on an award level for an entry, the team lead communicates with the judging coordinator.

How much time does judging take?

We plan for each team to judge one entry per week and it takes approximately 2-3 hours to review and complete the evaluation form for each entry. Each judge, of course, has the option to go ahead of the schedule and judge more than one entry per week, we just ask that you keep to the minimum so we stay on track overall.

Where do I sign up?
Send an email to competition@stc-chicago.com with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email address (one that you can accept/send attachments from – and preferably a non-work email so we can reach you on the weekends during the judging period)
  • City and state of residence
  • Phone number
  • Your company name
  • Are you entering the competition? Or is anyone from your company entering the competition? If so, please let us know (this is just so we can place you on an appropriate team to avoid conflict of interest in judging materials).

When is orientation and how will I get my entries?  

Online judging teams will be sent their entries via email. Judges on teams with hard-copy entries will be sent their entries via USPS. Details will be sent out on November 6.
Judging takes place November 6 through approximately the first week of December (depending on the number of entries and judges).
*Note that dates are subject to change.*

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