
Committees are established to help the president and Administrative Council (AC) run various aspects of the Chapter and fulfill their responsibilities to the membership. Committee managers are appointed by the Chapter president.

The current STC Chicago communities are Alliance, Bylaws, The Folio, eLearning and Technology Showcase, Historian, Membership Drive, Nominating, Programs, Scholarships, Social Media, Sponsorship, Webinar, and Website. For more information about committees, see the STC Chicago Officer and Committee Manager Handbook.


Alliance Representative: Linda Jansak

The Chicago Alliance is comprised of professional groups in Chicago related to human development in the workplace. In STC Chicago, the Alliance Committee promotes our events to the alliance and the alliance’s events to STC Chicago. The committee also encourages alliance collaboration through officer meetings, a presence at the eLearning & Technology Showcase, and by managing the Chicago Alliance calendar.


Committee Manager: Becky Hall

Composed of its manager and senior members, the Bylaws Committee advises the AC on revision suggestions to the Chapter Bylaws. They also review the bylaws every two years and propose changes, if needed, to ensure they are in agreement with STC governing documents and Chapter practice.

The Folio

Editor: Sian Mehl

The Folio, the monthly e-newsletter for STC Chicago, informs the membership about news and events relevant to the Chapter or STC. This committee is responsible for producing the publication and soliciting articles from members and officers.

eLearning and Technology Showcase

Committee Manager: Linda Jansak

The eLearning & Technology Showcase committee participates in the planning, execution, and evaluation of the eLearning Showcase, our annual, one-day conference featuring presentations on the role of new media and interactive methods in organizational training. This conference brings together 300+ attendees to learn, network, and celebrate Chicago as a world-class center for elearning. The Showcase is run entirely by volunteers and is hosted by STC Chicago and our association partner, ATDChi.

Volunteer opportunities are available in a number of areas, including General Management, Facilities, Finance, Speakers, Sponsorship, Marketing Communications, Registration, Catering, and Evaluation. The eLearning & Technology Showcase committee establishes expectations and requirements and regularly updates the Administrative Council on needs and progress. Since its inception in 2008, the conference has taken place each year in Chicago during the month of August.


Chapter Historian: Bill Leavitt

The history committee is managed by the chapter historian, who collects and saves chapter materials, such as the newsletter, chapter souvenirs, awards brochures, records of local conferences, bylaws, minutes, financial reports, important papers, and other materials as directed by the administrative council.  The committee also keeps records of chapter leaders by year, provides historical articles from time to time, and manages historical celebrations.  The committee coordinates with the STC international office to keep certain files and records at that location.


Committee Manager: OPEN

The Membership Committee is responsible for planning and conducting an annual membership drive to gain new members, encouraging member renewal, and improve the participation of inactive members.


Committee Manager: Dan Dornbrook

Per Chapter Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is comprised of the current vice president, immediate past president, and one current or former officer who is appointed by the current president. Committee members’ responsibilities include soliciting Administrative Council candidates (with input from Chapter officers and members), preparing the ballot, explaining office responsibilities to each nominee, and counting election votes.


Committee Manager: Dan Dornbrook

The Programs Committee coordinates Chapter events including monthly Chapter meetings, the annual business meeting, and the annual Chapter Recognition and Awards Banquet. The committee also conducts surveys to help determine membership interest in programs and venues, prepares an annual budget, arranges for coordinates with program speakers, and ensures proper equipment and supplies (computers, name tags, refreshments, etc.) are provided at each meeting.


Committee Manager: Pete Wagner

The Scholarship Committee works with local educators to solicit entrants, reviews applications, recommends winners, and ensures the scholarship is properly delivered.

Social Media

Committee Manager: Dan Dornbrook

In addition to publicizing the Chapter’s achievements and activities (via social media and other outlets), the Social Media Committee publishes the At-A-Glance bulletin.


Committee Manager: OPEN

The Sponsorship Committee is active throughout the chapter program year and consists of a manager and one or more member volunteers. The committee secures advertisers for inclusion in the bi-monthly eNewsletter, Byline, and for program meetings and the annual Chapter Recognition and Awards Banquet. See the Sponsorship tab.


Committee Manager: OPEN

The Webinars Committee coordinates the Weekday Webinar Series, arranging for a topic and speaker each month and introducing the speaker at the start of the webinar.


Webmaster: Mike Baker

The Website Committee is responsible for maintaining the Chapter’s website. This involves insuring the site is always updated with current information, uploading articles and publications to the site, archiving (or removing) old articles and publications, and providing administrative access to the appropriate officers and committee managers.

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